Daniel Stuart |
Alumni |
Kenneth Tanaka |
Alumni |
Felicia M. Tang |
2023 Recipient of the Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies |
Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies |
Hannibal Taubes |
2023 OGSI Award |
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in Buddhist Studies |
Monica Thunder |
Student |
Kyoku Tokuno |
Alumni |
Grant Tompkins |
Graduate Student Affairs Officer |
Graduate Student Affairs Officer, GIBS |
Yao-ming Tsai |
Alumni |
Katarina Turpeinen |
2017-2019 Shinjo Ito Postdoctoral Fellow in Buddhist Studies |
Former Fellows, Shinjo Ito |
Roy Tzohar |
Visiting Faculty |
Past Visitors & Affiliates |
Skye VanValkenburgh |
Program Coordinator |
Program Coordinator, NCBS |
Alexander Von Rospatt |
Program Director, Group in Buddhist Studies; Catherine and William L. Magistretti Distinguished Professor of Buddhist and South Asian Studies |
Faculty, Program Director, GIBS |
Ryoze Wada |
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in Buddhist Studies |
Ryoze Wada |
2024 OGSI Award |
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in Buddhist Studies |
Ryoze Wada |
Graduate Student Instructor, Student |
Trent Walker |
Alumni |
Trent Walker |
2014 Recipient of the Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies |
Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies |
Trent Walker |
2015 OGSI Award |
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in Buddhist Studies |
Mengxiao Wang |
2019-2021 Sheng Yen Postdoctoral Fellow in Chinese Buddhism |
Former Fellows, Sheng Yen |
Xingyi Wang |
2021-2023 Sheng Yen Postdoctoral Fellow of Chinese Buddhism |
Former Fellows, Sheng Yen |