
Ryoze Wada

Ryoze Wada received a B.A. in Buddhist Studies from Kyoto University (2016), an M.A. in Shin Buddhist Studies from Otani University (2018), and a second M.A. in Buddhist Studies from the Graduate Theological Union (2020) at Berkeley. His research interests include the origins and impact of Pure Land Buddhism in Japan, especially the significance of the medieval period in historical and doctrinal contexts.

Joseph Wood

Joseph Wood received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Minnesota (1966), an M.A. in Buddhist Studies from the University of Wisconsin (1972), and a J.D. from the University of California-Berkeley (1981). His research interests include philosophical/legal principles underlying rules of monastic conduct, and causation theory as it relates to effect of vows, rituals, etc.

Chih-ying Wu

Chihying Wu received a B.A. in European Cultures and Languages (2014) and an M.A. in Religious Studies (2017) at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. Her research interests primarily lie in 2nd to 7th century Indian Buddhist epistemology, logic, and philosophy of mind, particularly the notion of conceptuality and the function of mental concomitance.