
Name Job title Role
Weiyu Lin Alumni
Ian MacCormack 2019-2021 Shinjo Ito Postdoctoral Fellow in Buddhist Studies Former Fellows, Shinjo Ito
Jackson Macor Student
Jackson Macor Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies
Jackson Macor 2022 OGSI Award Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in Buddhist Studies
Jackson Macor 2023 Recipient of the Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies
Anuksha Ram Madhan 2025 Recipient of the Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies
James Marks Alumni
Tanner McAlister Graduate Student Instructor, Student
Kristen McLeod Backup Graduate Student Affairs Officer Backup Graduate Student Affairs Officer, GIBS
Matthew McMullen 2017 Recipient of the Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies
Matthew McMullen Alumni
Sanjyot Mehendale Vice Chair, The Numata Center for Buddhist Studies; Lecturer Vice Chair, NCBS
Robert Miller Alumni
Robert Miller 2019 OGSI Award Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in Buddhist Studies
Robert Miller 2019 Recipient of the Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies
Michaela Mross 2014-2016 Shinjo Ito Postdoctoral Fellow in Japanese Buddhism Former Fellows, Other
Howard Mu Graduate Student Instructor, Student
Catherine Nash 2022 Recipient of the Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies
Jan Nattier Visiting Scholar in Buddhist Studies Visiting Scholar