The Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies
The Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies was established in 2009 with a generous gift from Professor Jaini that was matched by the Chancellor's Matching Gift Program This award supports high-achieving graduate students in Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley and honors Professor Jaini's important legacy in the field of Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley and beyond. Padmanabh S. Jaini is Professor Emeritus of Buddhist Studies and co-founder of the Group in Buddhist Studies.
The Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies
The Khyentse Foundation Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies consists of an annual prize of US$1,500 given to a student, or shared by more than one student, chosen by the Group in Buddhist Studies of the UC Berkeley, in recognition of distinction and hard work in the field of Buddhist studies. The student(s) may be at any level of study and the award will be based on performance in the primary skills and tools of Buddhist studies, especially expertise in the classical languages of Buddhist traditions.
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award in Buddhist Studies
Every year, the Graduate Division's Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (OGSI) Award honors over 200 UC Berkeley Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) for their outstanding work in the teaching of undergraduates. Recipients are nominated from within their teaching department. The GSI Teaching & Resource Center gives the award recipients certificates of distinction and a celebratory ceremony in the spring.