BUDDSTD C214 Seminar in Tibetan Buddhism 2 or 4 Units
This course provides a place for graduate-level seminars in Tibetan Buddhism that rely primarily on secondary sources and Tibetan texts in translation. Content will vary between semesters but will typically focus on a particular theme.
Topic: This year's seminar will examine the formation of Buddhist traditions in Tibet from the tenth through twentieth centuries. After a preliminary review of the kinds of sources that are available to the Tibetan religious historian, class discussions will focus on a range of mechanisms for establishing authority, from polemical writings to lineage formation, visionary encounters and biography, to temple construction, sacred geography, and warfare. The readings will proceed chronologically, and each student will be expected to pick, in consultation with the instructor, a week (or two, depending on enrollment) in which s/he will present on that week’s readings.
Prerequisites: C114 ("Tibetan Buddhism"); or consent of instructor.
Credit Restrictions: Students who have passed S ASIAN C214 will not get credit for BUDDSTD C214.
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Instructor: Dalton
Also listed as: SASIAN C214/TIBETAN C214