SASIAN C215 Readings in Indian Buddhist Texts 2 - 4 Units
This seminar is dedicated to reading Vinaya materials in the Sanskrit original. It also serves to introduce to the study of the Vinaya more broadly, and will include the reading of pertinent secondary literature. Our principal source will be the Vinayavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivādins, and in particular the Adhikaraṇavastu, which deals with procedural and legal matters. Time permitting, we may also turn to the śīla chapter of the Bodhisattvabhūmi and read matching passages treating the bodhisattva precepts, including their legal implications.
Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for South Asian C215/ Group in Buddhist Studies C215 after completing South Asian 215A, or South Asian C215A/Group in Buddhist Studies C215A.<BR/>
Repeat rules: Course may be repeated for credit without restriction.
Instructor: Rospatt
Formerly known as: South Asian C215A/Group in Buddhist Studies C215A
Also listed as: BUDDSTD C215