Fall 2018 Courses

Fall 2018

Anthropology (ANTHRO)

There are no relevant Anthropology courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Anthropology courses that may become available in future semesters.

Asian Studies (ASIANST)

There are no relevant Asian Studies courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Asian Studies courses that may become available in future semesters.

Buddhist Studies (BUDDSTD)

C50 1 MWF 1-2 4 LeConte Introduction to the Study of Buddhism 4 Sharf 20774
  101 T 11-12 238 Kroeber (discussion)   DeVries 20778
  102 T 10-11 71 Evans (discussion)   DeVries 20779
  103 T 2-3 2032 VLSB (discussion)   Feinberg 20780
  104 W 9-10 120 Wheeler (discussion)   Miller 20781
  105 W 12-1 259 Dwinelle (discussion)   Feinberg 20785
  106 W 10-11 122 Barrows (discussion)   Miller 20786
C114 1 TR 2-3:30 150D Moffitt Tibetan Buddhism 4 Turpeinen 24250
C115 1 TR 12:30-2 79 Dwinelle Japanese Buddhism 4 Blum 30714
137 1 MW 5-6:30 187 Dwinelle Buddhist Art and Archaeology along the Maritime & Overland Silk Routes 4 Bopearachchi 32178
C141 1 TR 3:30-5 254 Dwinelle Introductory Readings in Japanese Buddhist Texts 4 Blum 30716
190 1 TR 11-12:30 246 Dwinelle Topics in the Study of Buddhism 4 Hanner 32079
200 1 tbd 288 Dwinelle Proseminar in Buddhist Studies 1 Sharf 20866
C214 1 R 2-5 288 Dwinelle Seminar in Tibetan Buddhism 2,4 Dalton 32170
C215 1 W 3-6 288 Dwinelle Readings in Indian Buddhist Texts 2,4 Von Rospatt 25447
C223 1 T 3:30-6:30 288 Dwinelle Readings in Chinese Buddhist Texts 2,4 Sharf, Groner 25448

Chinese (CHINESE)

C223 1 T 3:30-6:30 288 Dwinelle Readings in Chinese Buddhist Texts 2,4 Sharf, Groner 25448

East Asian Languages and Cultures (EA LANG)

C50 1 MWF 1-2 4 LeConte Introduction to the Study of Buddhism 4 Sharf 21060
  101 T 11-12 238 Kroeber (discussion)   DeVries 21061
  102 T 10-11 71 Evans (discussion)   DeVries 21062
  103 T 2-3 2032 VLSB (discussion)   Feinberg 21081
  104 W 9-10 120 Wheeler (discussion)   Miller 21082
  105 W 12-1 259 Dwinelle (discussion)   Feinberg 21083
  106 W 10-11 122 Barrows (discussion)   Miller 21084

History (HISTORY)

There are no relevant History courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for History courses that may become available in future semesters.

History of Art (HISTART)

There are no relevant History of Art courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for History of Art courses that may become available in future semesters.

Japanese (JAPAN)

C115 1 TR 12:30-2 79 Dwinelle Japanese Buddhism 4 Blum 30949
C141 1 TR 3:30-5 254 Dwinelle Introductory Readings in Japanese Buddhist Texts 4 Blum 30953

Korean (KOREAN)

There are no relevant Korean courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Korean courses that may become available in future semesters.

Letters and Science (LS)

There are no relevant Letters and Science courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Letters and Science courses that may become available in future semesters.

Mongolian (MONGOLN)

There are no relevant Mongolian courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Mongolian courses that may become available in future semesters.

Philosophy (PHILOS)

There are no relevant Philosophy courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Philosophy courses that may become available in future semesters.

Psychology (PSYCH)

There are no relevant Psychology courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Psychology courses that may become available in future semesters.

Religious Studies (RELIGST)

There are no relevant Religious Studies courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Religious Studies courses that may become available in future semesters.

South Asian (S ASIAN)

C114 1 TR 2-3:30 150D Moffitt Tibetan Buddhism 4 Turpeinen
C214 1 R 2-5 288 Dwinelle Seminar in Tibetan Buddhism 2,4 Dalton
C215 1 W 3-6 288 Dwinelle Readings in Indian Buddhist Texts 2,4 Von Rospatt

South and Southeast Asian Studies (S,SEASN)

C52 1 MWF 1-2 4 LeConte Introduction to the Study of Buddhism 4 Sharf 24201
  101 T 11-12 238 Kroeber (discussion)   DeVries 24202
  102 T 10-11 71 Evans (discussion)   DeVries 24203
  103 T 2-3 2032 VLSB (discussion)   Feinberg 24204
  104 W 9-10 120 Wheeler (discussion)   Miller 24205
  105 W 12-1 259 Dwinelle (discussion)   Feinberg 24206
  106 W 10-11 122 Barrows (discussion)   Miller 24207

Southeast Asian (SEASIAN)

There are no relevant Southeast Asian courses offered at this time. See Course Descriptions for Southeast Asian courses that may become available in future semesters.

Tibetan (TIBETAN)

110A 1 MWF 10-11 206Dwinelle Intensive Readings in Tibetan 4 Yeshi 24435
C114 1 TR 2-3:30 150D Moffitt Tibetan Buddhism 4 Turpeinen 24252
C214 1 R 2-5 288 Dwinelle Seminar in Tibetan Buddhism 2,4 Dalton 32176